Turkey's unrivaled and the world's second largest maritime organization

Turkey's unrivaled and the world's second largest maritime organization, CNR Eurasia Boat Show, will launch on October 13 at Marintürk Marina / Pendik, the most prestigious marina in Anatolia. The organization, which will be held under the name of CNR Yacht Festival, will be the most comprehensive trade platform of the Turkish seas. Thousands of domestic and foreign sea lovers will visit the CNR Yacht Festival, where mega yachts, boats and sailboats, which are among the best in their categories, will be exhibited and all accessories and equipment of the maritime industry will be featured.
At the fair, all necessary arrangements have already been made for the safety and health of exhibitors and visitors, from social distance regulation to density control, HES application, distribution of hygiene materials, and mask supply to entrance security. The measures to be taken in the new normal period for fair organizations were more than fulfilled at CNR Yacht Festival. In this way, the visitors of the fair will have the opportunity to examine the sea vehicle they want in a completely safe and hygienic environment at Marintürk Marina. CNR Yacht Festival, where the Turkish maritime industry will continue trading from where it left off, will also shape the future of the world maritime industry. The festival, where new generation designs will meet with sea lovers, will be organized by Pozitif Fairs and YATED (Yacht and Boat Industry Association), one of the CNR Holding companies, as the last commercial platform of 2020. In the festival, where companies representing world brands as well as the most prestigious domestic manufacturers will be hosted, mega yachts, boats and sailboats, which are the best in their categories, as well as inflatable boats, marine engines and starter boats will be exhibited. Over 25,000 sea enthusiasts will have the opportunity to see the boats of their dreams together at the festival, where boats ranging from 5 thousand to 17 million lira will be showcased. At the festival, where more than 100 brands that will shape the future of the maritime industry will exhibit their new generation marine vehicles, the latest model boat launches will also be held. CNR Yacht Festival, which will shape the future of the Turkish maritime industry, will also feature all the accessories and equipment of the maritime industry. The festival, where the maritime industry will make a show, will also host many events such as water sports, windsurfing, rowing, diving, jetski and flyboard shows. These shows, in which the international visitors of the festival can actively participate, will continue throughout the festival. CNR Yacht Festival, where all the vehicles, accessories and equipment of the maritime sector will be showcased, as well as the latest designs, will be held at Marintürk Marina / Pendik between 13 - 18 October 2020.